Born in Oslo, Norway, in 1964. Lives and works in Norway and Thailand.


1979-1982: 3 year College, Studies of Language and Society, Nadderud Videregående Skole, Norway. Graduated with Examen Artium.

1983-1986: 3 year professional course of Furniture Making and Furniture Design, at Rud Videregående Skole/Technical College, Oslo Norway. Graduated with Diploma in Furniture Making and Furniture Design.

1985-1988: Philosophical studies at the University of Oslo. Examen Philosophicum and 3 years additional studies of philosophy at the same University.

1996-1998: Studies in Various Workshops with Theatre Guru’s such as Jerzy Grotowski, Thomas Leabhart, Steve Paxton, Dario Fo, and other International Artists connected to the ISTA Symposium of Theatre and Dance in a Multicultural Society, organized by Eugenio Barba. A two week workshop with Method Actor/Director John Strasberg, at
The Open Theatre, Oslo Norway.

Studies in Western and Oriental Philosophy, Buddhist and early Christian Philosophy, Vipassana Meditation, Conceptual Art Philosophy. Essay work on Schopenhauer, Novalis, Plato, Bach, Sartre, Beckett, Van Gogh, Rembrandt and Jackson Pollock, among others.

THE paris concert THE last waltz THE sound of colour installatio mobilis aria variata contact & net will open soon